Sunday, August 19, 2012

Beer Bottle Decor

I love to reuse wine bottles for various purposes; however, until recently, I had never thought about reusing beer bottles. I mean, who wants some horrid brown beer bottle just sitting around their house putting on the facade of a decoration. I felt this way until one day when I was on pinterest and saw a few posts with used beer bottles being used as decor. I was intruiged but thought nothing of it, and thought that perhaps the green Heineken bottles I was drinking out of might serve a purpose after all. However, I did not pursue the idea any further unitl a trip to my nearby crafts and hobby store. As I was walking by the flower section, I noticed several different flowers were on sale for 80% off. Wow, I thought, I wish I had a use for them; that's when I remembered the green beer bottles.

I purchased four of the discounted white tulips (less than $3.50 for all 4) and took them home. I then took several of the beer bottles I had saved from the night before and let them soak in warm soapy water in my kitchen sink for several hours. After the exterior labels of the beer bottle were fully saturated, I used a dish brush to thoroughly scrub the labels off of them. Voila, perfectly clean green beer bottles. I then let the beer bottles dry out for several hours before carefully placing them on the mantle above the fire place with one white tulip in each beer bottle. As you can see from the photo, I added some grass between the tulips to enhance the visual effect.

If you're looking to make something simple out of your old beer bottles, this is perfect and can be changed to suit your needs. Someone I shared this idea with suggested tying a small string of twine around each beer bottle. This would also look great in front of a picture or painting of a nature scene. There are a multitude of other options and changes that anyone could make to tie this in to their own home and I would love to see or hear how someone else modified this to fit their own home! Thanks!

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